The structure of some biological objects is represented by the sequence of their constituents, where each part is denoted by an uppercase letter. Biologists are interested in decomposing a long sequence into shorter sequences called primitives.
We say that a sequence S can be composed from a given set of primitives P if there is a some sequence of (possibly repeated) primitives from the set whose concatenation equals S. Not necessarily all primitives need be present. For instance the sequence ABABACABAAB can be composed from the set of primitives
{A, AB, BA, CA, BBC}
The first K characters of S are the prefix of S with length K. Write a program which accepts as input a set of primitives and a sequence of constituents and then computes the length of the longest prefix that can be composed from primitives.
First, the input file contains the list (length 1..200) of primitives (length 1..10) expressed as a series of space-separated strings of upper-case characters on one or more lines. The list of primitives is terminated by a line that contains nothing more than a period (`.’). No primitive appears twice in the list. Then, the input file contains a sequence S (length 1..200,000) expressed as one or more lines, none of which exceeds 76 letters in length. The “newlines” (line terminators) are not part of the string S.
A single line containing an integer that is the length of the longest prefix that can be composed from the set P.
public class prefix {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
try (final BufferedReader f = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(""));
final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("prefix.out")))) {
// parse primitives and store in a map of primitives keyed by primitive length
final Map<Integer, Set<String>> primitivesByLength = new HashMap<>();
for (String line = f.readLine(); (line != null) && !line.equals("."); line = f.readLine()) {
final String[] primitivesArray = line.split(" ");
for (final String primitive : primitivesArray) {
final int primitiveLength = primitive.length();
primitivesByLength.putIfAbsent(primitiveLength, new HashSet<>());
final Set<String> primitivesSet = primitivesByLength.get(primitiveLength);
// sorted list of available primitive lengths
final List<Integer> primitiveLengths = new ArrayList<>(primitivesByLength.keySet());
// parse sequence
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (String line = f.readLine(); (line != null) && !line.isEmpty(); line = f.readLine()) {
final String sequence = builder.toString();
// solve
reducePrimitives(primitivesByLength, primitiveLengths);
int maxLength = solve(primitivesByLength, primitiveLengths, sequence);
// output result
private static void reducePrimitives(Map<Integer, Set<String>> primitivesByLength,
List<Integer> primitiveLengths) {
// reduce the number or primitives by eliminating repeating primitives
// that already exist in a simplified form. For example, 'ab' and
// 'ababab' is reduced to 'ab'.
for (int primitiveLength1 : primitiveLengths) {
for (int primitiveLength2 : primitiveLengths) {
if (primitiveLength1 == primitiveLength2) {
// primitiveLength2 is not a multiple of primitiveLength1
if (primitiveLength2 % primitiveLength1 != 0) {
// else they are multiples; see if primitiveLength2 can be eliminated
for (String primitive1 : primitivesByLength.get(primitiveLength1)) {
// construct comparison string from primitive1
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
final int multiples = primitiveLength2 / primitiveLength1;
for (int i = 0; i < multiples; i++) {
final String compareString = builder.toString();
// remove if they are equal
primitivesByLength.get(primitiveLength2).removeIf(primitive2 -> primitive2.equals(compareString));
// remove any empty lists of primitives
for (int primitivesLength : primitiveLengths) {
if (primitivesByLength.get(primitivesLength).isEmpty()) {
// update sorted list of primitive lengths
private static int solve(Map<Integer, Set<String>> primitivesByLength,
List<Integer> primitiveLengths, String sequence) {
// iterate through the primitives and mark ('1') any portion of the
// sequence that matches with the primitives
int[] bits = new int[sequence.length()];
for (int primitiveLength : primitiveLengths) {
for (String primitive : primitivesByLength.get(primitiveLength)) {
int startIndex = 0;
int foundIndex;
while ((startIndex < sequence.length()
&& (foundIndex = sequence.indexOf(primitive, startIndex)) != -1)) {
Arrays.fill(bits, foundIndex, foundIndex + primitiveLength, 1);
startIndex = foundIndex + 1;
// count longest length of contiguous 1's
int maxLength = 0;
for (int bit : bits) {
if (bit == 1) {
} else {
return maxLength;
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