Money Systems

Note: description is copied from USACO training website and converted to markdown


The cows have not only created their own government but they have chosen to create their own money system. In their own rebellious way, they are curious about values of coinage. Traditionally, coins come in values like 1, 5, 10, 20 or 25, 50, and 100 units, sometimes with a 2 unit coin thrown in for good measure.

The cows want to know how many different ways it is possible to dispense a certain amount of money using various coin systems. For instance, using a system of {1, 2, 5, 10, …} it is possible to create 18 units several different ways, including: 18x1, 9x2, 8x2+2x1, 3x5+2+1, and many others.

Write a program to compute how many ways to construct a given amount of money using supplied coinage. It is guaranteed that the total will fit into both a signed long (C/C++) and Int64 (Free Pascal).


The number of coins in the system is V (1 <= V <= 25).

The amount of money to construct is N (1 <= N <= 10,000).

Line 1: Two integers, V and N
Lines 2..: V integers that represent the available coins (no particular number of integers per line)
3 10
1 2 5

A single line containing the total number of ways to construct N money units using V coins.

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file money.out)


If you implement this with recursion, you will end up with a solution that performs too slowly to pass the tests. However, if we example the results from the sample input, a recurrence can be identified.


We have the following results:

k / n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
3 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10


For example, table[9][2] = 5 can be read as:

the number of ways to make 9 cents with the first 2 coins is 5

If we examine the results in the table, we see the following recurrence:

    nways(n, k) = nways(n, k - 1) + nways(n - kv, k)

    where kv is the value of the _k_th coin

In other words, the number of ways to make n cents with k coins is equal to the number of ways to make n cents with the first k - 1 coins plus the number of ways to make (n - kv) cents with the first k coins.

So in our example:

nways(10, 3) = nways(10, 2) + nways(7, 3)
             = 6 + 4
             = 10 

With this information, we can implement a solution using dynamic programming.


public class money {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        try (final BufferedReader f = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(""));
             final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("money.out")))) {
            String[] tokens = f.readLine().split(" ");
            final int V = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]);  // number of coins in the system
            final int N = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);  // amount of money to construct

            // parse coin values
            final int[] coins = new int[V];
            int v = 0;
            String line;
            while ((v < V) && (line = f.readLine()) != null) {
                tokens = line.split(" ");
                for (String token : tokens) {
                    coins[v++] = Integer.parseInt(token);

            // compute using dynamic programming
            final long count = solve(N, coins);

            // output

    private static long solve2(int N, int[] coins) {
        // the number of different ways in which to get a sum of N
        final long[] ways = new long[N + 1];

        // base case: the number of different ways in which to get a 
        // sum of 0 is always 1
        ways[0] = 1;

        // loop over every coin value
        for (int coin : coins) {
            // loop over every sum value
            for (int n = 1; n < ways.length; n++) {
                if (n >= coin) {
                    ways[n] += ways[n - coin];

        return ways[N];

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