Mixing Milk

Note: description is copied from USACO training website and converted to markdown


The Merry Milk Makers company buys milk from farmers, packages it into attractive 1- and 2-Unit bottles, and then sells that milk to grocery stores so we can each start our day with delicious cereal and milk.

Since milk packaging is such a difficult business in which to make money, it is important to keep the costs as low as possible. Help Merry Milk Makers purchase the farmers’ milk in the cheapest possible manner. The MMM company has an extraordinarily talented marketing department and knows precisely how much milk they need each day to package for their customers.

The company has contracts with several farmers from whom they may purchase milk, and each farmer has a (potentially) different price at which they sell milk to the packing plant. Of course, a herd of cows can only produce so much milk each day, so the farmers already know how much milk they will have available.

Each day, Merry Milk Makers can purchase an integer number of units of milk from each farmer, a number that is always less than or equal to the farmer’s limit (and might be the entire production from that farmer, none of the production, or any integer in between).


calculate the minimum amount of money that Merry Milk Makers must spend to meet their daily need for milk.

Note: The total milk produced per day by the farmers will always be sufficient to meet the demands of the Merry Milk Makers even if the prices are high.

Line 1: Two integers, N and M.
The first value, N, (0 <= N <= 2,000,000) is the amount of milk that Merry Milk Makers wants per day.
The second, M, (0 <= M <= 5,000) is the number of farmers that they may buy from.
Lines 2 through M+1: The next M lines each contain two integers: Pi and Ai.
Pi (0 <= Pi <= 1,000) is price in cents that farmer i charges.
Ai (0 <= Ai <= 2,000,000) is the amount of milk that farmer i can sell to Merry Milk Makers per day.
SAMPLE INPUT (file milk.in)
100 5
5 20
9 40
3 10
8 80
6 30

100 5 – MMM wants 100 units of milk from 5 farmers

5 20 – Farmer 1 says, “I can sell you 20 units at 5 cents per unit”

9 40 etc.

3 10 – Farmer 3 says, “I can sell you 10 units at 3 cents per unit”

8 80 etc.

6 30 – Farmer 5 says, “I can sell you 30 units at 6 cents per unit”


A single line with a single integer that is the minimum cost that Merry Milk Makers must pay for one day’s milk.

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file milk.out)

Here’s how the MMM company spent only 630 cents to purchase 100 units of milk:

Price per Unit   Units Available   Units bought   Price * # units   Total cost   Notes
5                20                20             5*20              100
9                40                0                                             Bought no milk from farmer 2
3                10                10             3*10              30
8                80                40             8*40              320          Did not buy all 80 units!
6                30                30             6*30              180
Total            180               10                               630          Cheapest total cost


We can use a greedy algorithm to solve this problem.

First sort the farmers by price (ascending order). As we iterate through each farmer, purchase as much milk as available (and needed) from each farmer. Continue until we have purchased as much as we need.


class milk {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        try (final BufferedReader f = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("milk.in"));
             final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("milk.out")))) {

            String line = f.readLine();
            String[] tokens = line.split(" ");
            int unitsToBuy = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]);
            final int farmersCount = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);

            // get the farmers
            final List<Farmer> farmers = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < farmersCount; i++) {
                line = f.readLine();
                tokens = line.split(" ");
                final int pricePerUnit = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]);
                final int unitsToSell = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
                farmers.add(new Farmer(pricePerUnit, unitsToSell));

            // sort the farmers by price

            // find the lowest cost for the desired quantity
            int totalCost = 0;
            for (Farmer farmer : farmers) {
                if (farmer.units <= unitsToBuy) {
                    // buy all available units and find more
                    totalCost += farmer.units * farmer.price;
                    unitsToBuy -= farmer.units;
                } else {
                    // buy some units and stop
                    totalCost += unitsToBuy * farmer.price;

            // output cost

    static class Farmer implements Comparable<Farmer> {
        int price = 0;
        int units = 0;

        Farmer(int price, int units) {
            this.price = price;
            this.units = units;

        public int compareTo(Farmer other) {
            return (this.price - other.price);

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