It was a dark and stormy night that ripped the roof and gates off the stalls that hold Farmer John’s cows. Happily, many of the cows were on vacation, so the barn was not completely full.
The cows spend the night in stalls that are arranged adjacent to each other in a long line. Some stalls have cows in them; some do not. All stalls are the same width.
Farmer John must quickly erect new boards in front of the stalls, since the doors were lost. His new lumber supplier will supply him boards of any length he wishes, but the supplier can only deliver a small number of total boards. Farmer John wishes to minimize the total length of the boards he must purchase.
Given M (1 <= M <= 50), the maximum number of boards that can be purchased; S (1 <= S <= 200), the total number of stalls; C (1 <= C <= S) the number of cows in the stalls, and the C occupied stall numbers (1 <= stall_number <= S), calculate the minimum number of stalls that must be blocked in order to block all the stalls that have cows in them.
Print your answer as the total number of stalls blocked.
Line 1: | M, S, and C (space separated) |
Lines 2-C+1: | Each line contains one integer, the number of an occupied stall. |
4 50 18
A single line with one integer that represents the total number of stalls blocked.
One minimum arrangement is one board covering stalls 3-8, one covering 14-21, one covering 25-31, and one covering 40-43.
We can use a greedy algorithm to solve this problem.
class barn1 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
try (final BufferedReader f = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(""));
final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("barn1.out")))) {
String line = f.readLine();
final String[] tokens = line.split(" ");
final int maxBoards = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]);
final int totalStalls = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
final int occupiedStalls = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]);
// mark stalls with 'true' if occupied
final boolean[] blockedStalls = new boolean[totalStalls];
final List<Integer> occupiedStallsList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < occupiedStalls; i++) {
line = f.readLine();
final int stallNumber = Integer.parseInt(line);
blockedStalls[stallNumber - 1] = true;
// sort the occupied stalls list (in case it is not provided in sorted order)
// record the gaps
final List<Gap> gaps = new ArrayList<>();
int previousOccupiedStallNumber = 0;
for (Integer currentOccupiedStallNumber : occupiedStallsList) {
if (currentOccupiedStallNumber - previousOccupiedStallNumber > 1) {
new Gap(previousOccupiedStallNumber + 1,
currentOccupiedStallNumber - 1,
previousOccupiedStallNumber + 1 == 1));
previousOccupiedStallNumber = currentOccupiedStallNumber;
// record right-most outer gap (if any)
if (previousOccupiedStallNumber < totalStalls) {
gaps.add(new Gap(previousOccupiedStallNumber + 1, totalStalls, true));
// sort the gaps by length
// calculate boards required
int boardsRequired = 0;
if (blockedStalls[0] && blockedStalls[blockedStalls.length - 1]) {
// no exterior gaps (all interior gaps)
boardsRequired = gaps.size() + 1;
} else if ((blockedStalls[0] && !blockedStalls[blockedStalls.length - 1])
|| (!blockedStalls[0] && blockedStalls[blockedStalls.length - 1])) {
// only one exterior gap
boardsRequired = gaps.size();
} else {
// both exterior gaps
boardsRequired = gaps.size() - 1;
// reduce gaps to reduce boards
while (boardsRequired > maxBoards) {
// get shortest gap
final Gap gap = gaps.remove(0);
// mark stalls
for (int i = gap.startingStallNumber - 1; i < gap.endingStallNumber; i++) {
blockedStalls[i] = true;
// calculate total number of stalls blocked
int totalBlocked = 0;
for (boolean blockedStall : blockedStalls) {
if (blockedStall) {
// output result
* Identifies a gap between empty stalls. For example:
* <p>
* Gep between stalls 3 and 5 = Gap(4, 4).
* Gap between stalls 6 and 9 = Gap(7, 8)
static class Gap implements Comparable<Gap> {
int startingStallNumber = 0;
int endingStallNumber = 0;
int length = 0;
boolean outerGap = false;
private Gap() {
Gap(int startingStallNumber, int endingStallNumber, boolean outerGap) {
this.startingStallNumber = startingStallNumber;
this.endingStallNumber = endingStallNumber;
this.outerGap = outerGap;
this.length = endingStallNumber - startingStallNumber + 1;
public int compareTo(Gap other) {
// sort outer gaps to the end
if (this.outerGap && !other.outerGap) {
return (1);
} else if (!this.outerGap && other.outerGap) {
return (-1);
} else {
return (this.length - other.length);
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