Write a data type ColorHSB.java that represents a color in hue–saturation–brightness (HSB) format, along with a sample client. The HSB color format is widely used in color pickers.
HSB = (240°, 100%, 100%)
A color in HSB format is composed of three components:
Implement the following public API:
public class ColorHSB {
// Creates a color with hue h, saturation s, and brightness b.
public ColorHSB(int h, int s, int b)
// Returns a string representation of this color, using the format (h, s, b).
public String toString()
// Is this color a shade of gray?
public boolean isGrayscale()
// Returns the squared distance between the two colors.
public int distanceSquaredTo(ColorHSB that)
// Sample client (see below).
public static void main(String[] args)
Here is some more information about the required behavior:
Distance. The squared distance between two colors (h1,s1,b1) and (h2,s2,b2) is defined to be
min { (h1 − h2) 2 , (360 − |h1 − h2|) 2 } + (s1 − s2) 2 + (b1 − b2) 2
For example, the squared distance between (350, 100, 45) and (0, 100, 50) is 10 2 + 0 2 + 52 = 125.
Sample client. The main() method should take three integer command-line arguments h, s, and b; read a list of pre-defined colors from standard input; and print to standard output the pre-defined color that is closest to (h,s,b).
Input specification. The input from standard input consists of a sequence of one or more lines. Each line contains a string (the name of a pre-defined color) and three integers (its hue, saturation, and brightness components), separated by whitespace. The data files web.txt and web.txt are in the specified format.
Output specification. The output to standard output consists of one line: the name of the nearest pre-defined color and the string representation of that color, separated by whitespace.
~/Desktop/oop2> java ColorHSB 25 84 97 < web.txt
Red (0, 100, 100)
~/Desktop/oop2> java ColorHSB 350 100 45 < web.txt
Maroon (0, 100, 50)
~/Desktop/oop2> java ColorHSB 25 84 97 < wiki.txt
Princeton_Orange (26, 85, 96)
public class ColorHSB {
private static final int MAX_HUE = 359;
private static final int MAX_SATURATION = 100;
private static final int MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 100;
private final int hue; // 0...359, 0 = red, 120 = green, 24 = blue
private final int saturation; // 0...100
private final int brightness; // 0...100
// Creates a color with hue h, saturation s, and brightness b.
public ColorHSB(int h, int s, int b) {
if ((h < 0) || (h > MAX_HUE)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if ((s < 0) || (s > MAX_SATURATION)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if ((b < 0) || (b > MAX_BRIGHTNESS)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
hue = h;
saturation = s;
brightness = b;
// Returns a string representation of this color, using the format (h, s, b).
public String toString() {
return "(" + hue + ", " + saturation + ", " + brightness + ")";
// Is this color a shade of gray?
public boolean isGrayscale() {
return (saturation == 0) || (brightness == 0);
// Returns the squared distance between the two colors.
public int distanceSquaredTo(ColorHSB that) {
if (that == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return (int) (Math.min(Math.pow(hue - that.hue, 2), Math.pow(360 - Math.abs(hue - that.hue), 2))
+ Math.pow(saturation - that.saturation, 2)
+ Math.pow(brightness - that.brightness, 2));
// Sample client (see below).
public static void main(String[] args) {
final int h = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
final int s = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
final int b = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
final ColorHSB colorHSB1 = new ColorHSB(h, s, b);
int closestDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
String closestColorName = null;
ColorHSB closestColorHSB = null;
while (StdIn.hasNextLine() && !StdIn.isEmpty()) {
final String colorName = StdIn.readString();
final int h2 = StdIn.readInt();
final int s2 = StdIn.readInt();
final int b2 = StdIn.readInt();
final ColorHSB colorHSB2 = new ColorHSB(h2, s2, b2);
final int distance = colorHSB1.distanceSquaredTo(colorHSB2);
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestColorName = colorName;
closestColorHSB = colorHSB2;
StdOut.println(closestColorName + " " + closestColorHSB);
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